

Universidade de Aveiro

Universidade de Aveiro (UA), a university internationally recognised for the quality of its teaching and research, has the...

Universidade de Coimbra

The Universidade de Coimbra (UC) is internationally recognised as a research university that seeks answers to society’s problems and...

Fraunhofer Portugal

Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS (FhP-AICOS), a research centre located in Porto, came about as a result of a partnership between...

INESC Microsistemas e Nanotecnologia

INESC Microsistemas e Nanotecnologias (INESC-MN), a private non-profit R&D institute, has a class 100/10 clean room with optical and...


The INL – Laboratório Ibérico Internacional de Nanotecnologia, based in Braga, is an intergovernmental organisation legally constituted by the...


The ISR – Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica, sediado na Universidade de Coimbra, instituição privada de investigação sem fins...

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January 23, 2023

Universidade de Aveiro

Universidade de Aveiro (UA), a university internationally recognised for the quality of its teaching and research, has the vision of becoming one of Europe’s leading...

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January 23, 2023

Universidade de Coimbra

The Universidade de Coimbra (UC) is internationally recognised as a research university that seeks answers to society’s problems and contributes to sustainable development.

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January 23, 2023

Fraunhofer Portugal

Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS (FhP-AICOS), a research centre located in Porto, came about as a result of a partnership between the Fraunhofer Society, the Foundation for Science...

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January 23, 2023

INESC Microsistemas e Nanotecnologia

INESC Microsistemas e Nanotecnologias (INESC-MN), a private non-profit R&D institute, has a class 100/10 clean room with optical and electron beam lithography, which enables the manufacture...

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January 23, 2023


The INL – Laboratório Ibérico Internacional de Nanotecnologia, based in Braga, is an intergovernmental organisation legally constituted by the governments of Portugal and Spain, which operates...

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January 23, 2023


The ISR – Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica, sediado na Universidade de Coimbra, instituição privada de investigação sem fins lucrativos, tem como objetivo geral a criação...

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