
Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, energy and talent in the spotlight on the first day of Semicon West

The participation of AIDA CCI, Inova-Ria, PCI – Creative Science Park – Aveiro Region and HFA in Semicon West was marked by a series of events and meetings focused on promoting the Microelectronics Agenda, highlighting the results achieved and the potential of the Portuguese ecosystem. Semicon West, one of the most important events in the microelectronics and semiconductor sector, provided an ideal stage for exploring the latest trends and innovations.

Lectures and thematic sessions

On the first day of the event, in San Francisco (USA), the Portuguese delegation attended several lectures that aligned with the US Chips Act, addressing government strategies in crucial areas such as human resources training, sustainability, innovation and energy optimization. These sessions underlined the importance of the microelectronics and semiconductor value chain, highlighting recent developments in design, automation, production and component development. One highlight was the relevance of cybersecurity for the protection of data and essential technologies.

The debates focused on the industry’s current challenges, emphasizing the need for continuous investment in innovation, increased production capacity and design, with the aim of improving the quality of life of communities, guaranteeing business sustainability and increasing the autonomy of the sector’s value chain.

The discussions highlighted the need to strengthen an ecosystem based on fundamental pillars such as:

  • Training talent: Investing in the training and development of qualified professionals;
  • Innovation and strategic synergies: Promoting collaboration between different entities to drive innovation;
  • Sustainability and energy: Focus on reducing waste, reusing components and energy efficiency;
  • Artificial Intelligence: Recognize the vital role of AI in the development and growth of the sector.

Networking and partnerships:

Semicon West was also an excellent opportunity for networking. AIDA CCI, Inova-Ria, HFA and PCI – Creative Science Park – Aveiro Region, took the opportunity to share the results of the Microelectronics Agenda and the developments in the ecosystem with the various entities present.

Contacts were made with various companies and organizations, such as:

  • ZZSM: Focused on the distribution of production equipment for industry;
  • ABM: Specializes in energy efficiency and design;
  • Alter Tovit: Dedicated to digital solutions for industry;
  • H-Square: Focused on automation, robotics and connectivity;
  • Estex: Develops engineering solutions;
  • Relden: Focused on metal recycling in the area of e-waste;
  • KSK: Specializes in the distribution of components;
  • Weng Seng Engineering: Dedicated to the manufacture and assembly of components;
  • S-Tech: Offers cutting-edge solutions and machines;
  • Semiconductor Research Corp (SRC): Develops augmented reality solutions to train and encourage young academics to opt for careers in the sector.

The visit to the first day of Semicon West was extremely productive, allowing not only the promotion of the Microelectronics Agenda and the Portuguese ecosystem, but also the creation of new partnerships and the exploration of innovations that could shape the future of the sector.

The Microelectronics Agenda was created as part of the mobilizing agendas of the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan with the aim of strengthening the production and innovation capacity of the national semiconductor and microelectronics industry. It involves a group of 17 partners and seeks to help position Portugal at the forefront of the semiconductor management, production, distribution and recycling market, capable of supplying Europe and other countries worldwide.

The 25 new products, processes and services resulting from the Agenda aim to transform the microelectronics sector and contribute to its resilience, competitiveness and ecological sustainability, and will enable the Portuguese ecosystem to monitor and anticipate the sector’s needs.

The “Microelectronics Agenda” project runs from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024 and is co-financed on a non-repayable basis for a total eligible amount of €67,493,749.13 by the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan through NextGenerationEU.

Agenda da Microeletrónica
Agenda da Microeletrónica

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