

INOVA-RIA, associação de empresas para uma rede de inovação em Aveiro, the association of companies for an innovation network in Aveiro, is a cluster currently made up of 80 members, 70 per cent of whom are in the Aveiro region, but with national action and influence, with the aim of increasing the network by attracting companies from other sectors of activity, enabling it to increase its complementarity and proactivity. 

The association plays a key role in promoting the National ICT and Electronics Ecosystem (ICT), leading the business ecosystem in this sector, characterised by an intense technological, innovation and research component, together with its members.

INOVA-RIA will be an important element in the management and promotion of the Agenda, and will be the organisation responsible for disseminating the results.

what they are

developing as part of the Microelectronics Agenda

Inova-Ria is the organisation responsible for creating the brand, disseminating and publicising the results.


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