
Leaders and sub-leaders of the Microelectronics Agenda Work Packages meet.

Meeting of leaders and sub-leaders of the Microelectronics Agenda Work Packages

As part of the Microelectronics Agenda, the leaders and sub-leaders of the Work Packages met at PCI – Creative Science Park Aveiro Region on 11 January.

The Microelectronics Agenda is led by AMKOR Technology Portugal and aims to project Portugal’s potential as one of the main market players in the management, production and distribution of these components on a European and global scale. The agenda brings together a group of 14 partners, including PCI, which will be responsible for commercialising the four actions on the agenda in Europe. Fraunhofer Portugal and PICadvanced, companies based at PCI, are also part of the consortium.


Agenda da Microeletrónica
Agenda da Microeletrónica

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