
PCI participation in the event “The European Chips Act – Perspectives for Europe's Semiconductor Regions”

PCI participation in the event “The European Chips Act – Perspectives for Europe’s Semiconductor Regions”, in Brussels, Belgium

The Centre Region is part of the Alliance of European Semiconductor Regions. On 6 March in Brussels, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed establishing an Alliance between European Semiconductor Regions, which includes the Centre Region of Portugal.

The memorandum was signed at the event “The European Chips Act – Perspectives for Europe’s Semiconductor Regions”, which was attended by Pedro Almeida (General Director of PCI – Creative Science Park Aveiro Region and member of the Board of Directors of the TICE.PT Cluster), Prof. Dr Eduardo Anselmo de Castro (Vice-President of the Centro Regional Coordination and Development Commission) and high-level representatives from various EU institutions, at the invitation of the Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kreschmer.

The event boosted the debate on the European Chips Act (ECA), which will strengthen Europe’s competitiveness and resilience in the field of semiconductor technologies and applications, and the close co-operation between the partner regions, identifying the challenges and opportunities of each. The European regions will play a decisive role in the implementation of the ECA, creating a basis for the digital transformation and the green transformation in Europe, as well as creating space for investments and appropriate infrastructures for this ecosystem.

Participation in the “Microelectronics Agenda” project, co-funded by the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan through Next Generation EU.


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