
Portuguese delegation visits Brazilian entities to identify opportunities in the microelectronics sector

As part of the Microelectronics Agenda, Inova-Ria and PCI – Creative Science Park Aveiro Region, represented by Rui Lopes and Pedro Almeida, were part of the Portuguese delegation that went on a mission to Brazil between April 30 and May 6, with the aim of disseminating the Microelectronics Agenda, its framework, purpose and objectives to various entities that make up the Rio de Janeiro Innovation Ecosystem, while also enabling closer relations between companies and institutions operating in the sector.

This initiative, organized with the involvement of the entities Inova-Ria, PCI – Creative Science Park Aveiro Region and CCDRC, was part of a global plan between them and whose main purpose was to align with CEITEC, a Brazilian public company linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, which operates in the semiconductor segment.

On this mission, Inova-Ria and PCI sought to identify and establish partnerships with entities located in Brazil that operate in the microelectronics and semiconductor sector. To this end, they visited various institutions and took part in key events such as the Web Summit, where they got to know the region’s innovation ecosystem, companies and entities from various parts of the world and where strategic contacts were established.
The positioning of this mission was fundamental for framing future actions and opened up the possibility of establishing partnerships with public and/or private entities from multiple sectors.

After the mission, strategic meetings were held with various regional and national institutions, where the desire to strengthen relations with CEITEC was reinforced, with a view to sharing know-how and business opportunities. In addition to these inputs, it was also possible to establish opportunities for collaboration in the area of research, development and marketing of products in the areas of microelectronics and semiconductors.z

The Microelectronics Agenda is funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR – Recuperar Portugal) and its main objective is to contribute to Portugal’s positioning in this sector, through a set of key actions carried out by the 17 entities that make up the Consortium.

Agenda da Microeletrónica
Agenda da Microeletrónica

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