
We will soon be introducing Fraunhofer Portugal partner AICOS

Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS is a research center, with headquarters in Porto and offices in Lisbon, which arose from a partnership between the Fraunhofer Society, the Foundation for Science and Technology and the University of Porto.

It promotes various institutional and commercial collaborations that result in a vast network of active partners. It has a team of around 100 researchers, developing solutions for various business areas and industries.

Within the scope of the Microelectronics Agenda, they are developing 4 solutions, namely:

A prototype for detecting liquid leaks, which will make it possible to detect occurrences on factory floors;
An image acquisition and analysis solution to detect anomalies in electronic circuits;
A set of guidelines to help develop applications to be used in electronics clean rooms;
Software to collect data from equipment in this industry and use this data to create models that will allow future anomalies to be detected and predicted, as well as recommending repairs.

You can find out more about this Consortium member here:


Agenda da Microeletrónica
Agenda da Microeletrónica

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