
The AIDA CCI will represent and disseminate the Microelectronics Agenda at the ECTC in Denver

The Microelectronics Agenda will be represented by consortium member AIDA CCI at the Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), sponsored by the IEEE Electronics Packaging Society.

Our partner AIDA CCI will disseminate the Agenda, its objectives and partners and seek to recognise opportunities and trends in the sector. It will also identify potential personalities to invite to the next Microelectronics Agenda events.

The event runs from 28 to 31 May in Denver and will include a conference and exhibition. It is recognised as one of the leading international events that brings together the best in science, technology and education in the field of packaging, components and microelectronic systems in an environment of cooperation and technical exchange.

The programme contains papers covering cutting-edge developments and technical innovations across the packaging spectrum. Conference topics include advanced packaging, modelling and simulation, photonics, interconnects, materials and processing, assembly and manufacturing technology, components and RF, emerging technologies, among other emerging themes.

This event gives participants the opportunity to gain the vision and perspective of technical and business leaders in the microelectronics and semiconductor sector.

We’ll be reporting daily on the organisations we’ve met with.

Click here to see the event programme:

Agenda da Microeletrónica
Agenda da Microeletrónica

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