
The Microelectronics Agenda Observatory will be launched on October 1st during the II Microelectronics Agenda Congress

There are 66 days to go until the 2nd Congress of the Microelectronics Agenda, an event where we will encourage knowledge sharing, networking, strategic debate on key issues, present new trends and foster strategic collaborations for the sector in Portugal.

This second edition of Micro.Electronics aims to strengthen the dialog and strategic debate on the National Microelectronics Agenda, share results and know-how. It will also focus on the launch of the Microelectronics Observatory Platform, which aims to group together all the companies in this sector in Portugal, classifying them according to their representation in the value chain.

Francisco Rodrigues, CEO of PICadvanced, Antonio Barny Monteiro, R&D Senior Manager at Amkor Portugal, Célio Albuquerque, VP of Engineering at Synopsys and Paulo Freitas, Director of INESC Microsistemas e Nanotecnologias are four of the speakers already confirmed for this second edition, which will bring together specialists, professionals, researchers, students and those interested in the semiconductor and microelectronics industry.

Registration is available here:

The Microelectronics Agenda was created as part of the mobilizing agendas of the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan with the aim of strengthening the production and innovation capacity of the national semiconductor and microelectronics industry. It involves a group of 17 partners and seeks to help position Portugal at the forefront of the semiconductor management, production, distribution and recycling market, capable of supplying Europe and other countries worldwide.

The 25 new products, processes and services resulting from the Agenda aim to transform the microelectronics sector and contribute to its resilience, competitiveness and ecological sustainability, and will enable the Portuguese ecosystem to monitor and anticipate the sector’s needs.

The “Microelectronics Agenda” project runs from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024 and is co-financed on a non-repayable basis for a total eligible amount of €67,493,749.13 by the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan through NextGenerationEU.

Agenda da Microeletrónica
Agenda da Microeletrónica

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