
Innovation opportunities in the Microelectronics sector on the first day of MiNaPAD 2024

The first day of the MiNaPAD 2024 Forum began with a presentation by Steffen Krohnert on “The Future of Semiconductor Package Manufacturing in Europe: Growing or Vanishing”. During this presentation, the results of the European Pack4EU project were revealed, the main objective of which was to survey semiconductor packaging, assembly and test companies in Europe. The project assessed the sector’s technological capabilities and analyzed the needs and evolution of the semiconductor industry, identifying areas for improvement. AMKOR Portugal was mentioned several times as a reference company in Europe, alongside Fraunhofer Portugal.

Several parallel technical sessions followed. The AIDA CCI representative attended presentations on the application of artificial intelligence in the detection and measurement of solder voids in x-rays by VALEO, and in the development of solder paste by INVENTEC. There were also discussions on PCB Substrates, challenges in the production of advanced integrated circuits, and high-density organic substrates for chiplet and high-frequency applications.

In the afternoon, technical sessions covered topics such as Process Optimization, Reability, Flip Chip Process and Dicing/Picking.

At the same time, visits were made to companies and organizations present at the exhibition, including:

  • iMAPS – France: Meeting with Alexandre Val, president and organizer of the event, who explained the workings of the IMAPS network, present in 3 geographical areas (Europe, America and Asia). IMAPS-France is a non-profit organization that supports the development of the microelectronics sector and complementary industries through conferences, networking, seminars and workshops.
  • YOLE Group: Discussion with Stefan Chitoraga about the Grenoble microelectronics and nanotechnology hub;
    ROARTIS: Belgian company represented by Joghen Schuermans, offering innovative adhesives and resins for demanding, high-reliability applications;
  • Aipro Engineering: Talk with Thibault Lioret about high value-added electronic and microelectronic projects;
    BT Eletronics: Meeting with Alan Bouché on the distribution of machinery, equipment and products for French semiconductor companies;
  • NANOTEC International: Conversation with Peter Sperling about the company’s solutions for semiconductor backend, assembly and packaging for the European market, highlighting the partnership with ATEP – AMKOR in Portugal.

The first day of the MiNaPAD 2024 Forum was packed with informative technical sessions and visits to innovative companies, strengthening partnerships and exploring new opportunities for collaboration in the microelectronics sector.

The Microelectronics Agenda was created as part of the mobilizing agendas of the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan with the aim of strengthening the production and innovation capacity of the national semiconductor and microelectronics industry. It involves a group of 17 partners and seeks to help position Portugal at the forefront of the semiconductor management, production, distribution and recycling market, capable of supplying Europe and other countries worldwide.

The 25 new products, processes and services resulting from the Agenda aim to transform the microelectronics sector and contribute to its resilience, competitiveness and ecological sustainability, and will enable the Portuguese ecosystem to monitor and anticipate the sector’s needs.

The “Microelectronics Agenda” project runs from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024 and is co-financed on a non-repayable basis for a total eligible amount of 6.749,3749.13 by the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan through Next Generation EU.

Agenda da Microeletrónica
Agenda da Microeletrónica

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