
Igniting Innovation: Siemens EDA launches Cre8Ventures in support of the EU Chips Act

Siemens EDA has launched its collaborative venture initiative, Cre8Ventures, and is now accepting proposals for collaboration from European integrated circuit (IC) startups as part of its activities around the European Chips Act. Adopted by the European Union in 2023 to strengthen the EU’s semiconductor industry and reduce its reliance on foreign suppliers, the act aims to significantly boost the EU’s share of the global semiconductor market to by 2030.

Partner startups can also utilize Siemens’ PAVE360-based solution so they can prove out their claims through comprehensive, system-wide digital twins. With PAVE360, early-stage IC design teams can develop hardware and software in parallel. By “shifting-left” the design phase, PAVE360 can also help to compress design cycles and accelerate time to value and the market

Read the full story here.

Agenda da Microeletrónica
Agenda da Microeletrónica

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